Resident Questionnaire-Deadline-October 15/2024

Have your say today!
Posted on 09/12/2024
We want to here from our residents

Have your say today!

We want to hear from the residents of the Town of Bancroft. Please complete the Town of Bancroft Resident Questionnaire by clicking the link here:


Your feedback will be used to develop the forward-looking proposed levels of service for the 2025 Town of Bancroft Asset Management Plan.


Did you know that under O. Reg. 588/17 municipalities are mandated to establish a Strategic Asset Management Policy and maintain an Asset Management Plan for core and non-core municipal infrastructure assets?

To read more about the Town of Bancroft’s Asset Management planning, please follow the link here:


We hope to hear from you very soon!


Anyone wishing to receive the Town of Bancroft Resident Questionnaire in an alternative format can contact the Town of Bancroft’s Clerk’s Department via email at [email protected] or by telephone at 613-332-3331 Ext. 208. Paper copies of the questionnaire are available at the Municipal Office.