Clerk's Department

The Clerk’s Department is responsible for providing administrative support services, as needed, to Council and to all Municipal Departments. It is an essential link between the Town of Bancroft, the general public, and Municipal Council. The Department carries out the statutory duties for the Clerk’s Office, which includes preparation of agendas, By-Laws, Minutes, and completes licensing, elections, and maintenance of vital statistics records. Some of the services, and details about them are listed in the drop downs.

For additional information, please contact our Clerk Department:

Clerk Department
8 Hastings Heritage Way
Bancroft, ON
K0L 1C0

(P) (613) 332-3331 Ext. 208
Email: [email protected]


Click here for access to the published Town of Bancroft By-Laws. Additional records may be available, please contact the Clerk for additional information. 

Marriage Licences

Marriage Licensing 

Couples planning to marry in Ontario can get their marriage license through the Town of Bancroft.

Save time and fill out the application form ahead of time, and bring it with you when you apply for your marriage license. The form must be complete, signed by both parties to the marriage, and provide proper identification as required (see ID requirements below).

A license is valid anywhere in Ontario for 90 days from the date of issue. There is no waiting period between the date your license is issued to your date of marriage.


$150.00 payable when the licensed is issued. Please allow up to 5 business days for processing of your license application.

Three Month Validity

Once issued, a Marriage License is valid for three months and may be used at any location within the Province of Ontario.

Both Signatures Required

The Marriage License Application form must be signed by both parties.

Identification Required

Both parties must provide identification.

Accepted identification is either:

  • A valid passport

OR one of the following (along with the other options below):

  • An original birth certificate and any change of name certificates
  • A record of Immigrant Landing
  • A Canadian Citizenship Card
  • A Permanent Resident Card

AND one these sources of photo ID:

  • BYID age of majority
  • Valid Driver’s License
  • Ontario Photo ID card

Obtaining a license when one party is absent:

Either applicant may submit the completed application form to the Town of Bancroft in order to obtain the Marriage License, provided that they present the required identification for both parties.  

Both applicants must have their signatures witnessed at either application drop off, or when the license is ready for pick up. 

If One or Both Parties are Divorced

Applicants who have been divorced within Canada are required to provide original or a court-certified copy of one of the three documents:

  • The final decree
  • The final judgment
  • A certificate of divorce

Lottery Licensing

Lottery Licensing 

The Town of Bancroft has the authority to issue lottery licenses to eligible organizations within the community. We are also responsible for enforcing licensing policies and compliance under the terms and conditions of the licenses we issue.

Our Municipal Clerk's Department issues lottery licenses in accordance with Provincial Regulations set by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO).

When Do I Need a License?

If your event includes:

• An exchange of consideration or fee (i.e., money changes hands),
• A game of chance, and
• An opportunity to win a prize.

Under the Criminal Code of Canada, your event is considered a lottery event and therefore the rules set out by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario apply. Some examples include purchasing tickets to an event, which then go into a raffle, a 50/50 and BINGO. 

Lottery Licenses are required for the following events:

• Raffles
• 50/50 draws
• Arm's Length Tickets
• Bazaars
• Bingos
• Break Open Tickets

Who can get a License to Conduct a Lottery Event?

Canada's Criminal Code permits charitable and religious organizations to conduct a lottery scheme to raise funds pursuant to a license being issues. Organizations must be providing charitable services to Ontario residents for a minimum of one (1) year to qualify. The term "charitable" refers to organizations that provide programs or services for:
• The relief of poverty
• The advancement of education
• The advancement of religion
• Other charitable purposes beneficial to the community

The primary purposes of an organization are determined by considering:

• The mandate of the organization as set out in its incorporation documents or documents stating the organization's objects
• The objects of the organization as described in its application for license
• The services which have actually been provided by the organization to the community

What types of organizations are not charitable for lottery licensing purposes?

Organizations that cannot be considered charitable include:
• Professional associations, unions, employee groups
• Elected representative groups including municipal, regional, provincial and federal governments
• Government ministries, agents or bodies
• Political lobby groups
• Political parties
• Adult hobby groups
• Private sports club (e.g. golf/curling)
• Adult sports team
• Social clubs

How can I apply?

Lottery licensing documents are currently being updated on our website - in the meantime, please contact either [email protected] or [email protected] to be provided the forms. 
Otherwise, they can be picked up at the Town Office at 8 Hastings Heritage Way, Bancroft from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (with the exception of lunch from 12:30 - 1:30 p.m.) Monday through Friday.

Once all forms are completed they can be submitted along with any necessary supplementary documents for approval as outlined in the Terms and Conditions.

*Please be advised: Lottery Licenses will not be given out the same day or next day. The Town will process requests for Lottery Licenses after the organization has submitted all the required documentation (and/or documentation from their previous lotteries). After that time, the Town will process the application within 5 business days.

The Town of Bancroft is responsible for issuing Municipal lottery licenses for lottery events conducted in the municipality as follows:

• Bingo events with prize board $5,500 and under
• Media bingo events
• Raffle for total prizes $50,000 and under
• Break Open licenses not licensed by province
• Bazaars

If a group wishes to raise funds to charities, it must become recognized as a charitable organization with an established charitable mandate, either through incorporation or by constitution or bylaws, and apply for a lottery license to be used for projects or donations that consistent with its charitable mandate.

Proceeds are also mandated to be used for charitable purposes, and must be clearly stated at the time of the application.  

Organizations must submit an eligibility package to the Town of Bancroft and receive approval before applying for a lottery license. Each organization will undergo an eligibility review every one (1) to two (2) years.

Lottery Trust Account: The licensee must open and maintain a separate designated lottery trust account (with two signatories on the account) to administer all funds related to the conduct of lottery events. Terms and conditions for all types of programs can be found on the AGCO website

Please call or email our Lottery Licensing Officer to schedule an appointment:

Clerk Department
613-332-3331 x 208
[email protected]

The following information can be accessed online at the Alcohol and Gaming Commission (AGCO) website:
• Application forms for all gaming events
• Terms and conditions for all gaming events
• The Lottery License Policy Manual
• Use of proceeds
• Eligibility requirements and regulations
• Reports for all gaming events

Freedom of Information Req.

Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.56


The purposes of this Act are,

(a)  to provide a right of access to information under the control of institutions in accordance with the principles that,

(i)  information should be available to the public,

(ii)  necessary exemptions from the right of access should be limited and specific, and

(iii)  decisions on the disclosure of information should be reviewed independently of the institution controlling the information; and

(b)  to protect the privacy of individuals with respect to personal information about themselves held by institutions and to provide individuals with a right of access to that information.  R.S.O. 1990, c. M.56, s. 1.


How to submit an FOI request under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA).

  1. Complete the Access or Correction Request form located here



    • Adding scope to your request such as specific dates, names, search terms, etc., helps to facilitate your request more effectively and may cut down on administrative fee associated with the search.


  2. There is a mandatory $5.00 application fee – cash or cheque made payable to the “Town of Bancroft”.


  3. You can mail your application form and $5.00 application fee to the Clerk’s Office or drop it off in person to the Clerk’s Office.






Application Fee




Search Fees

$7.50 per 15 min



Preparation Fees

$7.50 per 15 min



Computer Programming

$15.00 per 15 min

$15.00 per 15 min



20 cents per page

20 cents per page


Digital Media

$10.00 per disc or USB

$10.00 per disc or USB


Other Costs

As invoiced

As invoiced


IPC Appeal Fee





Accessing Municipal Records

Municipalities will often routinely disclosure records and information to the public.  Individuals are encouraged to contact the program you believe has custody or control of the records you are seeking to see if the information can be disclosed to you informally.

A formal request may be required when:

  • You are requesting access to records to which a mandatory exemption to disclosure may apply, such records containing another individual’s personal information or confidential information provided by other businesses of governing agencies.
  • You are requesting access to records where a discretionary exemption under MFIPPA is applicable, such as records subject to solicitor-client privilege, records relating to law enforcement investigations, etc.
  • You are requesting access to a voluminous amount of information.

Processing Time for Requests:

  • 30 calendar days from the day the Municipality receives both your written request and $5.00 application fee.
  • Where voluminous records are requested an extension of the 30-day limit may be issued and you will be advised accordingly.
  • If a third-party notice is required, the 30-day time limit starts from the day the notice is sent to the third party.
  • If consultations are required with persons outside of the Municipality, a notice of extension to the 30 days may be issued for the amount of time needed for the consultations to take place; you will be advised accordingly.

Commissioning of Documents

Commissioner for Taking Affidavits

The Commissioner For Taking Affidavits Act (provincial) designates selected municipal officials as commissioners for taking affidavits. Provision of this service is not always available and the municipal official’s designation as commissioner for taking affidavits may be limited to specific purposes. Those requiring the service of a commissioner are encouraged to call prior to attending the Town Hall to ensure that a municipal official is available.

What you will need:
1.       The deponent(s) (person swearing the affidavit) must appear and sign the affidavit in front of the commissioner;
2.       You will be required to produce two pieces of government identification (one (1) with a photo and signature, such as a valid driver's license);
3.       The fee for this service varies depending on the document and the number of pages that require the commissioner’s signature. You can find the fee in our 
Comprehensive Fee Schedule.

Rules for Taking Affidavits
1.       An affidavit must be presented; the commissioner will not create or edit the affidavit.
2.       If you have questions or need assistance completing the affidavit document, you should contact the party/agency that asked you to complete the form.
3.       The commissioner for taking affidavits cannot counsel or assist deponents with completing the affidavit document.
4.       All information on the affidavit must be filled in before it is sworn and any enclosures mentioned must be attached.
5.       The deponent(s) must have read and understood the contents of the affidavit and the deponent(s) will be asked to swear or declare that the information is correct before signing the document and must sign it in front of the commissioner.

What if the document specifically requests a Notary Public?
The Town of Bancroft does not offer Notary Public services. Any document that requires the signature of a Notary Public will be referred to a lawyer, as Commissioners do not possess the same signing authority and are therefore unable to sign documents requiring a Notary Public signature.

What types of documents can be commissioned?

The Commissioner may sign documents related, but not limited to, the following:
1.       Travel consent letters;
2.       Pension documents;
3.       Vehicle transfer forms;
4.       Change of ownership forms;
6.       Canadian Government related forms;
7.       Town of Bancroft related documents e.g.) Planning Department;
8.       Statement of Conscience or Religious Belief;
9.       Financial Institution forms. 

Clarification of the type of affidavits that will be signed can be directed to the Clerks Department.

What do you need to bring?

Anyone requiring commissioning services must provide at least one piece of valid Canadian government issued photo identification (e.g. Current drivers license or passport). All affidavits presented for commissioning must be the entire document and must be signed in the presence of a Commissioner. If the document has already been signed, the person will be asked to sign a second time in front of the Commissioner.

What services are not provided?

The Commissioner is not responsible for any content of the document and does not provide legal advice, preparation or editing of affidavits, assistance, counselling or interpretation services to the testifier when completing their documents and shall not commission documents that are in any other language(s) other than English, as the information being sworn cannot be validated.

Any questions or needed assistance in completing the affidavit document should be directed to the agency or party that has requested the form(s).

Is the Commissioner required to sign presented documents?

It is at the discretion of the individual Commissioner whether or not they choose to sign the document. If a Commissioner is uncomfortable about the identity of the person requesting the service, or the content of the documents for any reason, the Commissioner may refuse to sign the document. 

Special Occasion Permits

Special Occasion Permits are for the sale and service of alcohol at special occasions, such as:

  • Weddings
  • Charity fundraisers
  • Receptions

Special Occasion Permits are issued through select Liquor Control Board Ontario (LCBO) stores. 

In certain circumstances, the Clerk and other town departments are advised of the application and details of the event.  Please review the application requirements carefully by visiting

For Special Occasion Permits, it is the responsibility of the applicant to contact the municipality, police, fire, and public health regarding their event.


Written notice should include:

  • Your name
  • Phone number & email
  • Type of event (generally wedding, stag and doe, charity fundraiser, reception, etc.)
  • Start date and end date
  • Start time and end time
  • Event type (public or private)
  • Brief description of the event


Contact information for written notice submissions:

The Corporation of the Town of Bancroft

Attn: Amber Wannamaker, Clerk

8 Hastings Heritage Way

P.O. Box 790

Bancroft, Ontario

K0L 1C0

[email protected]


The Bancroft Fire Department

Attn: Pat Hoover, Fire Chief

33 Chemaushgon Road

Box 790

Bancroft, Ontario

K0L 1C0

[email protected]


Ontario Provincial Police – Bancroft

64 Monck Road

Bancroft, Ontario

K0L 1C0


Hastings Prince Edward Public Health

1M Manor Lane

Bancroft, Ontario

K0L 1C0


**Ensure that you retain copies of your letters sent to the above, as the AGCO may require you (the permit holder) to include them with your application or make them available upon request**


Information collected will be used in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection Act for the purpose of documenting your Special Occasion Permit notification.  Please contact the Clerk’s Department at [email protected] or 613-332-3331 Ext.208 if you require any assistance.

Accountability and Transparency

Accountability and Transparency

The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bancroft recognizes that municipal governments are some of the most open and transparent levels of government. As such, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bancroft will ensure it is accountable to the public and that its actions are transparent to the public.

Council Responsibilities

Council recognizes that it is responsible to provide good government for its stakeholders in an accountable and transparent manner.

Council is guided by the following principles:
  - Encouraging public access and participation to ensure that decision making is responsive to the needs of its ratepayers and receptive to their opinions;
  - Delivering high quality services to the ratepayers; and
  - Promoting the efficient use of public resources.

Enhancing Public Trust

Accountability, transparency and openness are standards of good government that enhances public trust. They are achieved through the Town adopting measures ensuring, to the best of its ability, that all activities and services are undertaken utilizing a process that is open and accessible to its ratepayers. In addition, wherever possible, the Town will engage its ratepayers throughout its decision-making procession which will be open, visible and transparent to the public.

For more information, please view the Town’s Accountability and Transparency Policy.

Policies and Procedures

Click here to be redirected to our Town policies and procedures webpage.

Request a Delegation

Make a Delegation to Council/Committee by filling out the Town of Bancroft Delegation Request Form

In accordance with the Town’s Procedural By-Law 77-2023 Section 11:


Individuals wishing to make a delegation to Council or Committee that fall under the Council or Committee’s mandate, with those delegations having submitted their request and all accompanying documentation in the form prescribed by the Clerk five (5)business days preceding the Meeting.


The time allowed for a presentations or delegation shall be limited to a maximum of ten (10) minutes, unless requested and approved in advance by the Clerk and the Chair.

For any further information, please contact the Clerk's Department, at 613-332-3331 ext. 208 or via email at [email protected].

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