Rezoning Applications:
Tuesday, April 8, 2025
3:00 p.m
Location: 8 Hastings Heritage Way, Council Chambers or Zoom/ Live on Youtube.
Application No. 001-2025
TAKE NOTICE of the holding of a public meeting for the purpose of information the public and hearing representation in respect of a proposed by-law for the purpose of rezoning lands legally described as Lot 15 and Part Lot 12, Plan M-29, Part of Highway 62, PART 4, RP 21R-6959, PARTS 1 and 2, RP 21R-13144, Geographic Township of Dungannon, now Town of Bancroft, County of Hastings , municipally know as 26456 Highway 62 South. A key map is attached to thie notice
For full notice Please click the Application No. 001-2025 above.
Location: 8 Hastings Heritage Way, Council Chambers or Zoom/ Live on Youtube.
TAKE NOTICE of the holding of a public meeting for the purpose of informing the public and hearing representation in respect of a proposed by-law for the purpose of rezoning lands legally described as
For full notice Please click the Application No. 00 above.