Land Use Planning & Notices

The Planning Department provides advise to property owners, developers, Council and staff with respect to land use, building and planning matters. 

Every land transaction has some planning involvement. Zoning compliance and confirmation of status of site plan and or subdivision agreements to working order information. 

The Planning Department is responsible for complying with Hastings County's Official Plan which provides policy and guidelines. The Committee of Adjustment is given powers under the Planning Act and by town council to deal with minor variance to certain town by-laws. mainly the town's Zoning by-law or to allow changes to non-conforming uses. 

Reach out to our Planning & Development Coordinator for pre-consultation meeting request for land use changes:
- Zoning By-Law Amendment
- Minor Variance
- Site Plan Control

Robin Tait, Planning & Development Coordinator
8 Hastings Heritage Way
Bancroft, Ontario K0L 1C0

T: 613-332-3331 ext: 201
F: 613-332-0384

 The Ontario Municipal Councillor's Guide for Land Use Planning.